Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Serial ePoem

A few years ago I invented... I think... a new art form... The serial ePoem!

The what???
- It is a poem, although some would probably disagree.
- It is serial, in that the intent was to receive and read the poem in a series of posts, one new word or phrase per post, over as many days as it takes.  Below each line is a separate post.
- These are email posts, so thus the "e"Poem

So, to be more specific, each word or phrase, when added to the previous piece creates a totally new poem!  If it is all viewed at once it just does not have the same affect.  A little while after writing it I tried it out by emailing it to a group of friends and family as a SeP (Serial-ePoem)... lucky them.
So, here is the example:
What... that is a poem?  Sure!  Kind of an ultimate Haiku? ya'think?  Personally, I spend a lot of time thinking about the meaning of "is".  If something is... is it?  On another blog I wrote a whole series on the meaning of existence.  It was titled "I do not exist... and neither do you."  See?  I think I will spend my whole life considering the meaning of that one word.  btw... my final conclusion was "Sorry Rene, God thinks, therefore I am.
Ok... day 2
                                                                      Is God
You have to admit that is an entirely different poem!  My mind does not even go down the same path.  If I read "Is" and then "Is God", I simply do not process it the same.  There needs to be significant separation.  I actually think one day is not enough!  The prisoner should etch it on the exercise court wall one word per week...
OK... Day 3
                                                                    Is God Good?
See how this works?  Again, a totally different poem!
So, here it is, the whole thing in one gulp.  Please try to separate each line in your brain as if it was a totally new entity received with enough time separation to experience each line as it's own post.  Discipline yourself!
Let me know how that works out for ya.

Is God
Is God good
Is God good enough
Is God good enough to trust?

Being good enough to trust
   is God.

Is sin
Is sin bad
Is sin bad enough
Is sin bad enough to die?

Being good enough to die
   is God.

Is trust
Is trust enough
Is trust good enough
Is trust good enough to live?

Doubting God is good enough
   is sin.
Charles P. Taylor  11/29/2003

I am In My Right Mind

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