Saturday, January 3, 2015

The unMarshmallow Shooter

The unMarshmallow Shooter

I do not like marshmallow guns much because they get very sticky very fast with all that hot breath condensing in the barrel and other places... not much fun to clean out... oh bother...

However, 1/2" PVC SCH40 is almost perfect for NERF DARTS and for the 1/2" pompom puff balls you can buy at craft stores (about $2 for 100 multi-color puff balls!).

A few weeks before Christmas I got an email from a son-in law with a picture of my nephew-in-law's marshmallow shooter.  He was going to visit for Christmas but I never got the "message" that it was what they wanted me to make for him, not what he had!  I thought I would make some for the 4 boys after the Holidays calmed down.  Bad papa...  While he was here I finally understood the intent and decided to make up for my lateness by jazzing it up a bit.  Not only does it have an adjustable blow tube (with anti-suck-back protection) but it has a 12 shot magazine for puff balls with a "pneumatic" feed for about 2 balls.

I hammered some of the parts together to create 5 sub-assemblies and then you just twist mount the parts for final assembly.  They easily twist back apart for storage.  In addition to the screw that keeps anyone from sucking a puff ball back into their mouth there is also a blocking "spring" at the rear handle to keep darts and balls from going too far back and missing the air flow.

The barrel is 12", the handles, magazine and blow tubes are 6" x 4 and the small fitting tubes are 1.5" x 4.  You need 2 x 90 deg joints, 3 x Tees, 3 x end caps and 1 straight connector.  Drill a 3/16 hole about 1" from the T on the magazine tube and do not hammer the magazine into the T so that you can remove it to load.  Install a screw just at the T riser on the blow tube.  In the rear handle angle, install a u-folded 5" length of cut zip tie to form an ammo stop.

For shooter 2.0 I will make a longer upper blow tube.  The short tube makes you push your head forward to blow.  Also... I will add a sight!

Cut part Finishing with my buddy!

Sub assembly

Spread at 20' - almost too much power at that range!  I need to add a sight!