Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kraut Bierock made easy

Charlie's German Kraut Burritos

I suppose you might not think that cooking is a Right Brain activity, but it seems to me that it is as much as poetry writing or playing music... especially the way I do those things... too much left brain in there! Good chefs must be great artists, great managers, and great technicians at the same time! Even engineers sometimes!

Below is a modern take on an old traditional German dish called kraut bierock or "cabbage bread" or "beer rocks". While this is an old tradition in my family, I found a new link so you can see what they look like:

Traditional bierocks have no cheese, no carrots, and no ketchup!
Plus, you grate the cabbage by hand, make bread dough and then laboriously
roll out rounds to wrap around dollops of the cabbage mixture... a lot of work!

We have recently started making them like a Stromboli, which is like a
pizza except that it has the cabbage mix on top! You roll it into a long
loaf, bake and slice to serve... a little easier.

Now, I have gone one step farther and lost the bread dough completely... I invented German Kraut Burritos! Just make the cabbage mixture, then spoon a dollop onto a tortilla, add optional cheese, then roll it up and take a little ketchup if you want! Enjoy!

Gabbage mixture...

Dice an onion and brown in a pan. Add 1 lb of lean hamburger, garlic, salt,and lots of black pepper - I go light on newbies! After that is all browned, add a bag of pre-grated cole slaw mix from the market. Cook the mixture until the cabbage is soft, but not mushy!
Not too hard - eh?
